Last UpdateFebruary 19 2025

Instructions for authors

The IES 2018 Organizing Committee would like to cordially invite you to submit your work to the 2018 Conference on the 22nd Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems (IES 2018), which will be held in Sapporo, Japan on December 20th-22nd, 2018.

Please see the call for papers.

Paper submission deadline : Fri. Sep. 28th, 2018 midnight UTC+9
Fri. October 12th, 2018 midnight UTC+9

Notification of Acceptance : Wed. Oct. 31st, 2018
Wed. November 14th, 2018

Camera-Ready due :
Fri. Nov. 16th, 2018

Fri. November 23th, 2018

* Revised paper should be uploaded in the EasyChair system.

Symposium Days : Dec. 20th-22nd, 2018

Submission format

Submission closed.

All manuscripts submitted should be full papers and prepared according to the templates (Click Here). The manuscript text should be in two-columns page format. The length of the manuscripts prepared with the given template is 4 to 8 pages. However, the best paper award and best student paper award will give the paper with over 6 pages.

Color figures are possible. Each submission should be uploaded as a single file, in PDF format only, to the Easy Chair system. 
All submissions will undergo a detailed peer review process. Full papers will be reviewed for timeliness, novelty, scientific quality, sound methodology and use of appropriate analysis techniques.

NOTE : At least one author of every accepted paper must be registered before November 16th. If not, the paper will be not included in the proceedings.